Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday Funnies

Yesterday, Evalyn was playing barbies in her room. Her brother and his friend were running in and out, making loud noises with a train whistle and a duck call (don't ask!). After 10 minutes of this, Evalyn comes to the top of the stairs and yells, "MOOOOOOOOM, the boys are in my ROOOOOOOOM and they are driving me CRAZY!!!!" It is only the beginning sweet girl. Wait until they are teenagers!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Not Me Monday

It is that time, once again, to talk about all the things I did not do this week, and boy do I have some doozies. Head over to MckMama's blog to join in on the fun!

I did not walk into the playroom as my daughter was watching t.v.and hear her say, "I saw a bra on t.v., mom! It was soooooo pretty. I want a Barbie bra with sparkles on it. I looooooove bras!" My daughter is only three. She is way to young to even know what bras are for, let alone be asking for one!
As my son was in thick of potty training this week, I did not find that he wants to to do things on his own, and therefore he does not try to take care of any accidents he has all by himself. This does not mean that I have found my hand towel in the laundry basket, used as toilet paper, with ummmm, skid marks, not once, but twice. He did not come to me and want to show me his finger, have me smell it, and then tell me he got poop on it and I needed to wash it off. I am waaaaaayyyy to smart to smell a three-year-old boy's finger when he asks me to, and that definitely did not happen. I also did not spend this whole post talking about bras and poop. That is gross and I am definitely more sophisticated than that......

Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Funnies

Evalyn is getting very curious about her body parts. As I was changing Judah's clothes, she pointed to his chest and said "what are those, mom?" Not being quite ready for this conversation, I decided to answer honestly. "Those are nipples, honey." She then lifts up her shirt and says, "I have nipples too!" "Yes, you do" I answer. She then asks, "Do you have nipples, mom?" "Ummmmmm, yeah." "Can I see them?" "Ummmmm, NO." I could hear her father in the kitchen laughing at our anatomy conversation, and I am sure he was glad to have avoided this one!

Along with the whole nipple conversation, I just thought of another funny story. I watch two other children during the week, and the little girl is very curious about nursing. She has lots of questions when I am feeding Judah, and I never realized how much she paid attention to it (she is only 2 after all!). One day, she was getting ready to go, and her mom and I were chatting. She came to sit beside me and told me she wanted to hold Judah. I sat him in her lap, and then watched as she lifts up her shirt and brings him close to her. "He's hungry!" I had to run and get my camera so I did get a picture of that priceless moment....

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Not so much....

Since my boy hit 6 months on the 8th, I thought it might be time for him to start solids. The twins took to it right away, but, as you can see, Judah was having none of it. Maybe having to sit in a pink bumbo was distracting him! He has now tried cereal twice, and I even put a little banana in it last time. Nothing. I thought that, if he was eating a little more, he might let his mama sleep through the night. I guess he just isn't ready yet!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pain is beauty...I think

Evalyn got her ears pierced on Tuesday. She had been talking about it for awhile, and then two of her friends had it done when she went to ballet. She talked about it the whole way home, so I thought it might be time. We went to the mall, she picked out the pinkest and most sparkly earrings she could find, climbed up in the chair, held the stuffed puppy they have for these occasions, and submitted to the torture. Quite a few tears and a baby doll later, she is fine and loving her new look. She desperately wants her friend Abby to get her ears pierced too, but Abby is too smart to be talked into it. We shall see!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Not Me Monday

I have heard it said that Not Me Monday is like free therapy, and I have to agree! Visit for official rules and to participate in the fun!

I did not start potty training my three-year-old son this week. I would never have a child that age still in diapers. Especially after judging other parents that did not have their children potty trained at 2 when I worked at a daycare all through college and, you know, knew EVERYTHING about raising other people's children. I do not feel guilty about the many times I gave parenting advice when having no children of my own and have never used the words, "when I have kids they will be potty trained by 2." I do not now wish I could go back and smack my 19-year-old self in the face.

Because of potty training my three-year-old, I have not picked up poop off the bathroom floor more times in week than is humanly possible. Man those suckers can roll. Parenting is just as magical as I had always imagined and I do not do things like putting out my hands when my child tells me they need to throw up or spend my days cleaning pee off the floor. Nope, not me!

I do not have a daughter that is obsessed with Princesses. She did not tell me yesterday that she wanted to watch a movie about "True Love" and, when asked for a kiss, she does not pucker her lips, close her eyes, and tilt her head to the side. She is only three and is way to young to be thinking about true love or kissing, and does not walk around all day looking like this....

I am not currently sitting here with baby spit-up and snot on my shirt. I am not considering leaving it on so I don't have to add to the huge pile of laundry waiting for me at nap time. Nope, not me.....

Saturday, January 3, 2009

He loves his "Baby Dudah"

Holding Judah in the hospital

Brother love

Showing Judah his most prized possessions

Gavin is so sweet and gentle with his brother. He has never shown any jealousy or aggression towards Judah. He absolutely adores him. I hope they always love each other like this!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Looking back.....

I really can't believe how fast 2008 came and went. Last year, I was a couple of months pregnant with Judah, and we have just celebrated his first Christmas! I was thinking about the year last night as we waited for the ball to drop. All of the good things that have happened, all of the sad things, all making it a very memorable year. Lots of changes, lots of new beginnings.

I think I missed my dad more this Christmas than last year. Maybe because it is really hitting me that he won't be here for another holiday. He won't ever see my kids opening presents on Christmas day. He won't ever hold the grandson that we named after him. I will never be able to call him and ask him how to handle a defiant three year old. Sometimes, it takes the breath right out of my body, it hurts so much. I look at my children and I realize that he is a part of me, who I am, how I parent. I take comfort in knowing that he would be proud of his grand kids and (hopefully!) the mom I am. I miss him.....

This year has been great in so many ways. The absolute best part of 2008 was this little man coming into our lives.

Watching my daughter and her best friend start ballet together (really a highlight of my week!)

Spending hours playing with my little boy, watching him develop likes and dislikes, seeing him fall in love with trains, getting to take his first real train ride.

I have a wonderful husband, beautiful and healthy children. What more could I ask for? God has been good to us, and I praise Him for his faithfulness in every situation. My prayer is that 2009 will bring more joy, more opportunity for growth, and more beautiful memories.