Monday, October 26, 2009

I am one of THOSE Christians...

Daddy was working so I did attempt pumpkin carving with three kids by myself! It wasn't as bad as I thought, and we had so much fun!

Judah supervising

I grew up in a pastor's home. And I loved it. One of the things I did not love was the fact that, based on principle, we were not allowed to go trick-or-treating. Since halloween was satan's day and all of that, trick-or-treating was looked on as a celebration of satan and so, since we did not want to celebrate satan, we did not do it. I remember going ONCE, when I was about 7 or 8, when we were visiting friends. Their teen-age kids wanted to take us, and my parents agreed to let them. Is it sad that i remember that day, what I wore, and how amazing it was to have a bag full of candy that was just for me?

I didn't think much about Halloween or trick-or-treating until I had kids of my own. last year, Isaac and I started talking about it as it got closer and closer. The kids I watch were full of talk about what costume they would wear, and my daughter loves (LOVES) nothing better than dressing up. One day she is a princess, the next a fairy, the next a bride, so costumes were a favorite subject around our house for months.

Isaac also grew up in a non-trick-or-treating household, so we were both torn on what to do. In the end, we decided this: Every day is the Lord's day. We give our lives to Jesus, and we live every day unto Him. I refuse to give satan even ONE day. I refuse to stay in my house and let him take a day away from me or my God. I refuse to allow him to make me sit at home while seeing our neighbors out enjoying the weather and each other. I refuse to allow my children to sit inside while they see the colorful princesses and pirates come to our door with buckets full of candy, not allowed to participate on principle. So I, a Christian mother, took my little bride, cowboy, and froggy out trick-or-treating (our town actually does it a week before halloween), and we had a fabulous time. We got to talk to our neighbors, meet new people, and came home with waaaaay to much candy.

Yes, I have read the history of how halloween came to be. No, I am not allowing my children to celebrate satan in any way. No, I don't think trick-or-treating is a sin. If you disagree, feel free to avert your eyes from the pictures of my adorable, trick-or-treating children:-).

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Back in the swing of things

I have been feeling so out of the loop lately! My baby sister is in China, and not being able to talk to her on Skype or getting to take some time out to facebook was really wearing on my nerves:) I think Isaac just got sick of my whining, so he went out and bought me a new Notebook computer. I think he was just tired of sharing his work laptop with me! I feel like I am finally back in the land of the living.

Things have been busy around here lately. we have tried to be outside in this beautiful fall weather whenever possible. We go apple picking at least once a week! We went last night to get our pumpkins, and the kids are excited about getting to carve them. I told them they are going to have to wait for their daddy to get home from work, as I am not about to attempt 3 kids and pumpkin carving by myself!

Fall in New Hampshire is breathtaking, like nothing I have ever seen before. It has always been my favorite season, but living in a place that holds this much beauty satisfies my heart in a way that I can't explain. I love it.

Christi and I took the kids apple picking the other day (again!) and had a blast. These are a few pictures from our day!
Deciding who will pull and who will ride

The girls

Gavin and Lucas. What a good friend!

Sophia and Judah

Enjoying the fruit of their labor:)